Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Power point review answers.

(1) Communication is the transfer of information from person to person, creature to creature, or point to point. It can also be considered as the act of transmitting, giving or exchanging signals or messages as by talk, gestures or writing.

(2) Five (5) Communication elements would be the source, the messenger, the receiver, the channel and feed back.

(3) Examples of Communication elements.
(a) The Source- Human Resource Manager.
(b) The Message- "New uniforms will be issued by 30/10/2012".
(c) The Receiver- Staff of Courts Furnishings.
(d) The Channel- Email (written communication).
(e) Feed back- response from the staff.

(4) Five (5) factors that can impede communication are:
(a) Senders must make sure message is conceived properly.
(b) The channel used must be appropriate to allow delivery in a timely manner.
(c) The message should be informative to allow positive feed back.
(d) The  listener must be an  adequate receiver for message to be interpreted properly. They need to be aware of senders intent.
(e) Without a feed back sender would not know message was received or even delivered.

(5) It is important to communicate effectively especially to our students. Without effective information transmitted,  directions, thoughts and ideas are lost or mis-understood. In education this can be a serious repercussion. Students may not understand lecture material and as a result poor production, inadequate feedback or response would be the return.
Answers to the cartoon.

7. (a) Four (4) elements in the communication process that are implied in the cartoon are;-
(1) The Source- "The Teacher"
(2)The Channel- Oral communication. i.e face-to face contact.
(3)The Message- "Get rid of the candy"- meaning to discontinue eating in class.
(4)The Receiver- Henry (student).  Good!

(b) Three non-verbal communicative behaviors that are evident are;-
(1)Hand gesture done by the teacher. (Specify! How does she have her hand?)
(2)Facial expression of the teacher showing disgust. (Specify! How does she look?)
(3)The eating of the candy by Henry after being asked to put  it away. (Totally not acknowledging the teacher).

(c) One barrier that may have influence Henry's response would be the fact that his mouth was fully engaged by the eating of the candy.

Could there have been some misunderstanding of the message?
Do you believe Henry thought the teacher meant eat it off?
Next time please specify the gestures, for example the teacher's hand is on her hip.

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